3 Toxic Leadership Trends to Avoid at All Costs

3 Toxic Leadership Trends to Avoid at All Costs

I've had my share of terrible bosses who taught me invaluable lessons.

3 trends stand out most to me:

1 - They were closed to new ideas.

They didn’t like or welcome change.

Employees were afraid to bring them new ideas or disagree because they knew it wouldn’t be received well.

2 - They led with ego.

Their biggest concern was looking good and being respected.

They clung to the hierarchical mindset, “I’m the boss; you need to respect me.”

3 - They avoided healthy debate.

It was their way or no way.

They were averse to having difficult conversations, fearing it would make them look bad.

Leaders, ^ this is how you lose your best people.

They start doing what they’re told.

They lose a sense of pride in their work.

They train themselves to wake up, come into the office, nod, do what they’re told and nothing else.

Instead of unique individuals who bring their strengths and ideas to the table, you’ve got mindless robots sitting on autopilot.

Thankfully, I’ve been blessed to experience great leadership, too.

But the last bad leader I had tipped me off the corporate ladder for good (I’ll share that story in another post soon).

Great leadership requires:
-courageous conversations

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