Throughout my leadership journey there have been two leaders that have made a tremendous impact on my career.

Throughout my leadership journey there have been two leaders that have made a tremendous impact on my career.

Both of them changed my life both personally and professionally.

They came into my life during different times, yet both of them have left a mark on my life that will never be forgotten.

They both shared similar leadership traits.

They both:

1. Got to know me…really know me. And allowed me to get to know them both personally and professionally
2. Had the hard conversations - even calling me out when I was playing the victim 
3. Were open to healthy debate
4. Communicated, communicated and communicated some more
5. Coached and developed me
6. Spent time w/ me even when they may not have had it to spend
7. Stretched me outside my comfort zone
8. Empowered me
9. Held me accountable
10. Trusted me
11. Gave me opportunities to showcase my strengths
12. Were transparent
13. Open to seeing things through a different lens
14. Allowed me to be vulnerable, laugh and sometimes even cry
15. Celebrated when we had wins
16. Inspired me
17. Modeled and lived the Values and Behaviors we expected as an organization
18. Allowed me to play, be innovative
19. Had integrity - their intention, speaking and actions aligned

And finally, more than anything,

20. They believed in me even when they didn’t have to at times when I didn’t believe in myself.

Were they perfect? No and they owned their imperfections. Leveraged those around them.

They changed my life. They changed the entire trajectory where I am today.

I’m a better:

Human being

And this.

This is what leaving a legacy looks like.

Changing peoples lives.

Impacting them so much that you’ve have left a profound impact on their heart.

That’s what these leaders did for me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being in my life.  (you know who you are!)

What qualities would you add to the list?

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