Remember when you were a kid

Remember when you were a kid

First learning how to ride a bike

If you’re anything like I was, I fell off that bike more times than not.

And trust me. I had the bumps and bruises to show it. (Sorry mom)

But I never gave up.

I was determined to ride that darn bike.

To be part of the cool kids club.

I didn’t view the falls as failures.

Only part of the journey.

Over the years we’re taught that “falling off the bike” means something about us.

We not worthy

Not good enough

The goal is too big


It’s impossible to achieve

So, we stop getting “back on the bike”.

When we’re on our way to a goal.

There are obstacles that will get in our way.

It’s how you view the obstacles that determines whether we bypass them


Keep on going.

Get back on the bike

As many times as necessary

The ride is oh so worth it!

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