The Power of Staying Fully Present

The Power of Staying Fully Present

10 years ago, this would be the question I would constantly ask

And didn’t know the impact – both personally and professionally.

𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕’𝒔 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕?

Whether I was sitting on a beach
Hanging with my tribe
At work
At home

I could think of a gazillion things I had to do:

Respond to that work email
Attend this or that meeting
Prepare for this or that meeting
Put out a fire
Conduct a team meeting
Have 1:1’s with my team
Call this person or that person

And that wasn’t even my personal obligations…

Time w/ my family and friends
Grocery shopping
Make dinner
The list could go on and on..

All I could ask myself was – what’s next?

What is the next thing I must tackle?

The cost?

- My health and well-being suffered
- Relationships both personally and professionally suffered
- My career suffered

On top of that, I rarely ever fully enjoyed the moment I was in…
I was there physically…but mentally…I wasn’t

I knew something had to give.

I chose to make one change at a time

*** Going without my phone
*** Being aware when that voice came up in my head and shutting it down
*** And leveraging my “team” to call me out when they saw me drifting

And the result….

I became fully present and enjoy each moment

And let me tell you, there is no better gift I could give myself or someone else.

If you’ve overcome this, what are your best practices for staying fully present?

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