The Power of Team Support

You cannot do it alone
And expect to achieve the results you’re after.
This past weekend I completed the Fall50.
A relay run of 50 miles w/ five team members.
And I went into this knowing I had an injury.
My biggest fears.
Coming in at a slower-than-anticipated pace.
Or worse - Not being able to finish my 10 miles.
Letting my team down.
My fears were quickly dismissed.
My team rallied around me.
Reinforcing that none of them cared if my normal pace was slower.
Nor did they care if I had to run fewer miles. - resulting in them having to pick up a few more.
The goal - to have fun!
Not one person on my team cared about anything but that.
They had my back and made sure I didn’t further injure myself.
They checked on me throughout.
Ensured I had what I needed (aka. Advil!)
Reinforcing the goal was to have fun!
And knowing this:
I had a ton of fun.
I was present in the moment enjoying the gorgeous fall colors.
And I had a personal record in time - So much so that my team wasn’t ready for the handoff!)
Which contributed to my team having a record finishing time.
And none of that would’ve been possible without each of them having my back.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a team in corporate America
A sports team is competing for a championship.
Or simply a group of people running 50 miles together.
We need one another.
And cannot do it alone.
If you haven’t created a team that you know will have your back.
AND have each other’s…
Start now.
It can be the difference between meeting your goals
Or exceeding them.