Navigating Difficult Conversations With Your Team

Navigating Difficult Conversations With Your Team

Please be mindful of doing this as you’ll not only hurt your employee, you’ll be hurting yourself.

I speak a lot about the importance of building relationships.

And in doing so, it’s easy for the lines to get blurry.

To start resisting the tough conversations.

To avoid providing the feedback that someone may not want to hear, but needs to hear.

And in doing so, you begin hurting that employee.

Your team.

Your organization.

And yourself.

Consider that by not providing them with tough feedback…

You’re robbing them of their future.

Of what they could professionally achieve.

And they’re missing out on opportunities that could enhance their lives.

We all need those tough conversations to take place.

As they result in:

***** Performance Improvement: Addressing areas needing improvement helps team members correct mistakes and adjust their approach. This leads to enhanced performance and ultimately contributes to better results for the team and the organization
***** Skill Development: Constructive feedback offers insights on how to refine existing skills and acquire new ones. This targeted guidance supports continuous learning, helping team members evolve and adapt to changing demands.
***** Goal Alignment: Aligning individual goals with team and organizational objectives. By discussing progress, leaders can ensure that everyone is moving in the same direction and contributing to shared goals.
***** Accountability: Holding team members accountable for their work and responsibilities. It reinforces a sense of ownership and commitment to delivering quality outcomes

If they don’t thank you now…

I assure you, they will thank you later.

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