The Myth of Time Scarcity for Busy Executives

“I don’t have time to look for a new job.”
“I don’t have time to add another project to my plate.”
“I don’t have time to spend with my family or friends.”
Executives are strapped for time.
I’ve been hearing it all around me.
Like the executive I worked with, who had 15 people directly reporting to her in a new organization.
In one conversation, she realized time wasn't her enemy.
It was her approach to it.
She’s passionate about developing her people.
Historically, she’s created the plan for them.
I suggested she have her team plan their own development.
She could provide them with higher-level areas to work on.
And delegate the responsibility to develop actions and commitments.
I gave her a framework and structure for the check-ins.
“Michelle, you just saved me about 20 hours in this conversation,” she told me.
She went from being swamped to saving a whopping 20 hours that week!
The lesson: It's not about finding more time; it's about optimizing what you have.