How to Make Decisions From a Place of Purpose

In turbulent times, I see this one thing over and over again.
We start looking through a scarcity lens.
And because of that, we take what’s being offered to us
Even though in our hearts we know it’s not a good fit
Or the right thing for us.
Whether it’s our career; the organization we choose or the position we take.
Or our relationship,
Or our well-being.
It’s a short-term fix
And that short-term fix has consequences on:
*** The people we lead
*** The relationship we’re in (or not in)
*** Our family, friends and community
And finally, perhaps most importantly, on our well-being.
It’s like putting a bandaid on a wound without addressing the infection first.
The wound never goes away.
And you’ll end up in the same place you are in today.
Go for the long-term solution.
Ask yourself:
Am I making this decision from a place of purpose or a place of fear?
And choose the place of purpose over and over again.
How do you avoid making short-term fixes?