What a Colonoscopy Taught Me About Leadership and Life Priorities

What a Colonoscopy Taught Me About Leadership and Life Priorities

Let’s face it—no one likes to talk about colonoscopies, but here's why we should.
Last year, amidst a hectic schedule, my doctor recommended the procedure.
Like many, I postponed it, prioritizing deadlines over doctor’s appointments.
Yet, as another birthday loomed closer, I bit the bullet.
Why share this on LinkedIn?
Because it highlights a critical oversight in our leadership culture.
Here’s the hard truth….
We focus so intensely on career success that we often forget our most critical asset—our health.
Many leaders ignore potentially life-saving tests and checkups, thinking they’ll squeeze them in ‘someday.’
But what happens when 'someday' comes too late?
We're in a market that demands more from us than ever, pushing many to double down on work while sacrificing personal well-being.
If you're delaying health appointments or personal commitments for work, it's time to reassess.
What’s the point of success if you're not healthy enough to enjoy it?
It’s not just about living longer.
It’s about living well and leading with strength.
True leadership means setting an example not just in business but in prioritizing your life and health, too.
Struggling to balance health and heavy workloads?
Grab my free guide on managing time effectively without sacrificing well-being.
Lead by example. Live well.

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