How to Use Your Time Wisely

How to Use Your Time Wisely

Let’s be real here - I don’t know one person, including myself, that hasn’t said a flavor of the following:

⁃ I wish I had enough time to do everything I need/want to, I just don’t.
⁃ I ran out of time.
⁃ There’s not enough time in the day to do x, y or z.
- If only I had another hour I'd do that
- If I can fit it in, I'll take care of it

The fact of the matter is we all have the same amount of time in a day; 24 hours, 1440 minutes.

Even if I added an additional 60 minutes to every day - the predictable result would be the same. You wouldn’t have enough time.


You’d still be utilizing your time on:

⁃ Tasks that could be handled by a member of your team
⁃ Non-urgent impromptu meetings
⁃ The need to respond to emails within’ a millisecond of receiving it
⁃ Saying yes when you know in your heart to say no
- Meetings to talk about the meeting you already had
⁃ Social media, TV
⁃ etc. etc. etc.

It’s not the amount of time we have available to us, it’s how we’re utilizing it that gets in our way.

When we are being responsible, intentional, and setting boundaries with our time, we see all sorts of options open up to us.

Time is one of them.

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