How Failure Shapes You as a Leader

How Failure Shapes You as a Leader

Look at Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, Henry Ford, Oprah Winfrey and so many more.

Each of them “failed” at some point in their life.


Didn’t get into the college of their choice
Got fired from a job
Created a product/service that never took off
Didn’t get a promotion

That didn’t stop them.

They saw their failure as an opportunity to learn.

They were willing to:

Say the wrong thing
Do the wrong thing
Take risks
Push boundaries
Follow their gut
Try new things

They also are willing to:

Take responsibility
Share what they learned
AND not make the same mistake twice

By doing so, you’re able to:

Build resiliency
Increase motivation
Have fun
Achieve success

The reality is there is gold in every failure.

What gold have you found in a failure you've experienced?

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