Why Good Executives Are Leaving

Executives are stepping out of the boardroom and into new beginnings.
What’s going on in corporate that people are leaving and not coming back?
Talented leaders are feeling boxed in.
They’re craving more than just a title.
Consider these 3 recent executive stories:
“It took me seeing my husband find his dream job for me to open up my eyes and say, ‘What am I doing?’”
Another executive lost his mom 5 months ago.
It woke him up.
“We don’t know how long we have,” he said.
He wants to love the work he’s doing.
A third executive shared, “I’m working my butt off and don’t see my baby at all.”
She’s yearning for quality time with her kid.
My mission is to empower leaders in their journey toward achieving professional excellence *and* personal fulfillment.
I believe in a holistic approach that intertwines:
-career/leadership development and fulfillment
-relationship building
-and work-life integration.
Clients hire me to discover what they truly want in this next chapter.
Go out on their own?
Work for another organization?
If so, how do they find one they love?
Finding work that feeds your soul and your family without the constant grind is possible.
Feeling out of place in your current role?
Wondering if there's more to your career than the endless cycle of meetings and metrics?
You're not alone.