Learning to Embrace Change in Your Career

This may be one of the hardest lessons for not only leaders…
But all employees.
Knowing when it’s time to go.
Too often I see leaders (and employees) stay in an organization that is no longer serving them.
That no longer aligns with their needs, wants and desires.
And yet, they stay.
Not for what it is.
But for what it once was.
What they once loved.
It’s safe and comfortable.
Whether they realize it or not, by staying they’re doing a disservice to themselves.
AND everyone around them.
Slowly it creates a trickle effect throughout the organization.
And you end up suffering.
Carrying a burden that doesn’t have to be carried.
As leaders, it’s imperative that we know when it’s time to go.
To not live in the past.
Rather, look to the future.
Constantly assess what your needs are.
And go after those.
There are too many organizations (and teams) out there that need you to embrace change in your career.
Don’t suffer.
It could be one of the most powerful acts of self-care that you can do.