Mastering Effective Workplace Communication Strategies

Instead of communicating DOWN to your employees do this instead.
I hear executives state is that they don't know what's really causing:
Sales to decline
Low productivity and performance
Organization is slow to get on board with changes
Departments working in silos
Employee turnover skyrocketing
In today’s workplace, almost 1 in 3 employees don’t trust their employers so it’s not shocking that organizations aren't understanding what's causing these challenges.
After digging in, what I’ve found is simple: Leaders are communicating down to their employees.
They tell them information and it’s a one way, down.
There’s no room for their employees to
Ask questions
Voice concerns
Provide feedback
To make recommendations to improve processes or procedures
It doesn’t work.
What does work? Communicating WITH them.
When you create effective workplace communication strategies, you:
Are fully present without distraction
Not only listen, but you also hear what they say
Ask questions to gain understanding
Explain the “why’s”
Teach them
Learn from them
Follow up with them
By doing so, you build trust.
And with that trust not only will you start hearing from your employees, but you will also save time, increase productivity and in turn your results flourish.