Using Effective leadership to Achieve High Productivity

How to use effective leadership for high productivity

“Do as I say, not as I do”

How many of us have heard this line at some point in our lives?

I know I have. AND I see it play out in organizations from the CEO down.

Whether it be through…

The scheduling of a Volunteer Day where employees are expected to volunteer their time but when asked what the CEO or other C-Suite Executives did it turns out they did nothing.


Expectations of cross-functional collaboration/teamwork while the Sr. Executives are fighting tooth and nail for their agenda.

Or how about water cooler talk

Your employees see you. They are silent observers of the entire show.

And the second they make these observations, you’ve lost trust and respect.

With that loss, you’ve created a cancer in your culture. That cancer can lead to:

High employee turnover
Low employee engagement
Low productivity
Missed deadlines

If you want to create a culture where your employees are engaged and fighting the fight with you, working relentlessly to achieve your goals, you have to start by modeling the way.

When you model the way, your employees not only know what your expectations are but what those expectations look like in action. They’re able to learn from your example. They’re able to mirror you.

Start paying attention and noticing if you’re modeling the behaviors you expect or if you’re following the “do as I say, not as I do” guideline.

If you’re a CEO, Sr. Executive or Executive looking to use effective leadership for high productivity, book a call with me.

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