Are you owning your development in the same manner you’d expect of your team?

Early in my career, the organization I worked for had a robust leadership development program.
It was designed extremely intentionally from the time someone was starting to lead people all the way to enhancing leaders at the executive level.
It encompassed how to:
Coach employees
Seek to understand
Communicate effectively and with impact
Collaborate across organizational boundaries
Create development plans
Identify ones “why”
Be a servant leader
Build authentic relationships not only with yourself, but with your team
And so much more!
This development took place for the first 10 years of working with the organization.
And then with a change in leadership, the program was discontinued.
You could not only see the impact this had when interacting with leaders across the organization, you could feel it within’ teams.
Leaders weren’t given the same tools and resources or setup for success in the same way that I had been.
Knowing this, that lead me to find my own resources:
Leadership Training programs
Hiring my own coach
While I didn’t have to do any of this, I did this to:
Model the behavior I expected of my team.
Continue growing, learning, and developing regardless of the circumstances.
Continue my evolution as a leader to ensure I was being the best leader possible for my team.
And be responsible for my role as a leader.
How are you being responsible for your own growth and development as a leader?