The Importance to Adjusting Your Expectations of Your Team

The Importance to Adjusting Your Expectations of Your Team

An AVP of Technology was angry with her organization's leadership and herself.

She poured all her time and energy into a company that didn’t appreciate her.

She was on the verge of being fired—blindsided by feedback in her annual review.

Exhausted from working around the clock, she had gained weight and wasn’t sleeping.

She longed for simple activities like evening walks with her husband and dog, but those fell by the wayside.

Employees, both direct reports and beyond, were unhappy and left after providing feedback that went unheard.

“I’m operating in the wild wild west,” she said.

There were no processes, procedures, KPIs or clear vision.

The C-suite wasn’t modeling the values they expected others to follow.

“It’s literally broken.”

Together, we:
-Defined a personal and professional vision
-Set boundaries both personally and professionally
-Distinguished her values and the expectations she had for herself and others

She expected others to operate with the same dedication and urgency as she did.

But she learned that people's priorities differ and realized she needed to focus on what she could control.

We conducted a 360 assessment to identify blind spots and opportunities, focusing on:
-Leadership Accountability
-High Impact Communication
-Interpersonal Skills

We created a plan to get from where she was to where she wanted to be.

She went from being seen as “negative” to being recognized by the Head of HR for her intentional communication and leadership.

She was promoted and asked to take on another area of the business.

The CEO complimented her, saying he was impressed with the team and practice she built.

She had the least red accounts and he said the whole company could learn from her and her team.

It was a night-and-day transformation from where she started.

Sarah grew her team, doubling its size and nurtured her relationship with her husband.

She’s now expecting a child and has set healthy boundaries, allowing her to rest, work out and take care of herself.

With the right strategy, anything is possible.

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