A Big Hiring NO-NO - Avoid This At All Costs

Are candidates not showing up for interviews?

Or accepting your offer only to turn around & decline because they found another position?

One executive leader I spoke with said he’d interviewed FORTY candidates over the last 9 months.

They didn’t meet his needs from either a skillset or culture fit. 

(Psst - Read to the end - I’ve got something special for you!)

When you lack resources (like team), EVERYONE is impacted.  

❌Other employees have to pick up the slack
❌Team morale drops  
❌Stress & anxiety skyrocket
❌Self-care goes out the window
❌Deadlines get missed
❌Goals fall off track 
❌Revenue drops or stagnates 

You don’t need to “get butts in seats.” 

You need the RIGHT people in the RIGHT seats.

👉Identify who you do NOT want.

“You’re not a good fit if xyz…”

👉List “need to have” vs. “nice to have skills” 

As humans, we want it all AND in this hiring market, it's not always realistic.  

What are you willing to train?

In Performance Accelerator, I teach executives how to:

⭐Become a leader in their life, work, organization & team
⭐Create authentic relationships
⭐Create a culture of open & transparent communication
⭐Maximize productivity & employee engagement
⭐Celebrate surpassing their KPIs

Like one leader who 10xd the number of sales calls scheduled on his calendar each week (and boosted a 30% close rate).

A big part of that success? 

Identifying and hiring critical team members needed to grow the business.

Don’t just hire anybody who fits the bill. 

Hire the ones who will push the needle forward.

To learn how I can help you, book a call here.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how we revived this executive leader's revenue in under one year. 

Download your free copy of this 15-page case study which breaks down the exact steps we took to shift Dan from flatlining revenue to generating 1 2 NEW $1M+ clients per month, all while losing 25 LBS.