The 5 Stages of Team Development

Did you know that teams go through 5 phases of development?
This comes from the American psychologist Bruce Tuckman’s theory on group development.
Phase 1 is Forming.
When a team comes together for the first time, members are driven by the desire to be accepted.
Conflict is limited as they gather info about the task, the group’s purpose and individual roles.
Phase 2: Storming
Individual personalities start to emerge.
People express their opinions, which can lead to confrontation and conflict.
(This can be a particularly challenging phase for leaders).
Phase 3: Norming
The group settles into their responsibilities.
Group cohesion and identity start to emerge, building trust and harmony.
Phase 4: Performing
The group evolves into a well-functioning unit focused on achieving its goals.
Members support one another and resolve differences respectfully.
Roles and responsibilities are clear and accepted.
Phase 5: Adjourning (or Mourning)
Teams may shift and dissolve or prepare to start the cycle over again with a new challenge or goal.
The critical factor:
The moment someone joins or leaves, the group automatically goes back to stage ONE.
When leaders fail to recognize these stages of development or how they may be disrupted, it hinders their ability to achieve results.
And why, when it comes to hiring and retention, it’s critical to:
Prepare to minimize disruption when someone new comes in…
Keep the right people in the right seats…
And protect your team in the unavoidable case that someone leaves.
What phase is your team currently in?
Recognizing your current stage can help you:
-tackle problems
-find solutions
-plan work
-and deliver results
Doing so will advance your teams' (and your own) happiness, productivity, and success.